
Why Western Australia needs Solaris to survive this May

Why Western Australia needs Solaris to survive this May

As the Client Service Manager of SJOG Subiaco centre, I am giving my all to our ‘May We Survive’ campaign as I see how vitally important Solaris is to Western Australians every single day. My children know that their chore list has increased at home, evening meals will be very simple this month and they are behind me 100%.

It is simple, Solaris must survive and thrive.

I was a cancer care nurse at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH) for 11 years and I often reflect on that time and wish that Solaris Cancer Care was available back then. If only the patients, carers and families that I cared for, laughed and cried with, could have had access to what we offer. Counselling, wellbeing, therapies, education, support, exercise, or just a caring volunteer to go up to the wards to give them a warm hand and foot massage. Oh, what a difference Solaris would have made to so many lives.

Cancer care has come incredibly far since my days at the RBWH and I am just so proud to now be a part of Solaris Cancer Care. We lovingly do all that we can for Western Australians with cancer and all on a limited budget. Today I have been reading through my centre’s feedback forms and comment book, thinking about all the clients who have walked through the door, and am so thankful that we were able to be there for them. Amazingly, in 2019, Solaris had 10,118 clients who walked into our centres to use our free resources, libraries, to chat with a volunteer or to have a cup of tea in a quiet place. Such an outstanding number PLUS we delivered 16,781 free Complementary Integrated Therapies and 1,678 people attended workshops and courses! I am just so proud of how many people we have reached.

Our 350 plus volunteers are the most amazing people and even though I have been with Solaris for four years, I am still in awe that they selflessly give their time and care so much for our clients. It is truly humbling and certainly gives me a daily wakeup call. I miss them.

Western Australia needs Solaris to survive and thrive into the future. We are here for you, I am here for you, and have proudly attached a letter from our founder Dr David Joske. Thank you for your support and I cannot wait for Solaris to re-open our doors one day very soon, Allison xx

Solaris Cancer Care – Message from our Founder and Chair David Joske
Firstly, let me thank you all for your efforts, your donations of time and expertise, your energies and accommodations during these troubling times. It’s easy to become insular and look inwards during difficult times like these, forgetting there are still many people beyond our loved ones who still depend on our help. With the health care industry stretched for resources due to COVID-19, Solaris Cancer Care needs your support and the support of the West Australian community now more than ever. 

As many of you know, we are supporting the most vulnerable part of our community – people who are already immune-compromised and fighting for their lives, many in isolation, in both the metropolitan and regional areas.

I’m proud to say the Solaris team was ahead of the curve when responding to social isolation measures, bringing all essential services online by 20 March in a cost-effective way and thus ensuring continuity of services to our clients. This was vital as Solaris Cancer Care improves the lives of all adult cancer patients, their families and carers, all year round, and with your continued support will be able to keep doing so after COVID-19 is a thing of the past.

We also hope that our on-line services and support will be accessed by the extended West Australian community who may be suffering mental health issues caused by COVID-19 and the Federal and State Government’s important and necessary intervention measures.

Without the security of ongoing government funding, to continue to provide our vital services we need your help to ensure our May We Survive 2020 campaign raises much needed funds.

There are many ways you can contribute and help; most only requiring a little of your time which I know is precious, but when all focused together will really bring Solaris Cancer Care into the spotlight and allow us to keep helping others. Please visit WWW.SOLARISMWS.COM.AU to see what role you can play to help Solaris.

Once again, I thank you so very much for all you do.


Dr David Joske
Founder and Board Chair
Solaris Cancer Care