We’ve collected a list of cancer resources in WA
Solaris Cancer Care
Solaris Cancer Care aims to improve the quality-of-life of people with cancer and their carers by providing the support to cope with the emotional and physical side effects of cancer diagnosis, treatment and recovery. We offer free complementary therapies, support and information at our Cancer Support Centres at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, St John of God Subiaco, Bunbury, Albany and Cottesloe.
Emotional Support Services
Commonwealth Carelink
Aged and Disability Service; household help, personal, nursing and respite care, transport, meals, ACAT, dementia, continence, support to carers, aged care homes, allied health and support services. 1800 052 222
Disability Service Commission Health Resource Team
The Health Resource and Consultancy Team (HRCT) assists Individuals, families and groups to work with their GP, Local hospital and health professionals in helpful, meaningful ways. 1800 004 544
- Aged Pension 13 23 00
- Disability, Sickness, Carer’s Allowance 13 27 17
Royal Perth Hospital
Breast Cancer Clinical Psychology Services – free counselling. 9224 1629
Breast Cancer Support Service
(Cancer Council) 13 11 20
Breast Care WA
Angela Staunton 0423 196 823 – for free home fittings
“ENCORE” after breast cancer surgery 8 week exercise program. 9440 3501
Rural Specialist Breast Nurse Project
Nurses available in Bunbury, Geraldton and Albany through the Cancer Council. 13 11 20
Cancer Council
13 11 20
Cancer council shop – retail 334 Rokeby Road, Subiaco 9381 5810
Leukaemia Foundation WA 1800 620 420
Melanoma Institute Australia WA
9322 1908
Support and recreational activities for young people affected by cancer. 6380 1884
Asbestos Disease Society
Counselling and legal advice, medical referrals. 9344 4077
Ostomy Association
Support and assistance to all ostomates and supply appliances. 9272 1833
Prostate Cancer Support Group of WA
9526 0770
Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia
Freecall helpline 1800 22 00 99 or 9346 6302
Breast Cancer Care WA
Support, advocacy. 9324 3703
Silver Chain Hospice Care Service
Nursing, hospice, home visits by doctors and nurses, equipment for loan, counselling. Rural and remote communities serviced by Silver Chain. Refer to brochures file for country numbers. Or call Silver Chain Perth on 9242 0289.
Carers WA
Information on resources (financial, home help) 1800 007 332 24hr counselling, education and training, social support, referrals, counselling, line for carers. 1800 242 636 general enquiries.
Commonwealth Carelink Centre
Information on aged care, disability and other support services; respite care, transport and meal services; assessments for dementia, household help. 1800 052 222.
Red Cross
Carer respite centres 1800 059 059
Home Instead Senior Care
Personal care services, home help for senior people at home. 6310 0400
Volunteer Task Force
Home and community care, gardening, shopping, home office work, assistance with outings. 9318 5700
Independent Living Centre
Assistive technology & Equipment to stay at home
Niche Building, Suite A, 11 Aberdare Rd, Nedlands WA. 1300 885 886
Wigs and Personal Care
Cancer Council Wig Service. Wigs fitted professionally. Borrow for as long as needed. 9489 7320. Crawford Lodge, 55 Monash Ave, Nedlands
Curly Sues 9276 7359 Morley
Large range of quality wigs, turbans and accessories. Approved by health funds. Private, discreet fitting in store. Staff cut and style wigs to suit.
Shop 12, 113 Russell St, Morley (opp Bus Station).
Look Good Feel Better
Personal care, makeup workshops for women undergoing cancer treatments 9408 0595.
Vals Accessories.
Handcrafted turbans.
Subiaco markets, Fri- Sun. 0418 912 824
Wigs on Wheels
Mobile wig fitting and delivery in Perth metro area. 0431 883 968
Genetic Cancer Services
Genetic counselling, medical advice, psychological support
Genetic Services of WA King Edward memorial Hospital 9340 1525
Bagot Road, Subiaco
Hancock Hereditary Breast Cancer Centre
King Edward Hospital 9340 1625
Lions Cancer Institute
For country/remote areas. 0428 957 864
Grief Support Services
Arbor Bereavement Support Service Duty Counsellor 9266 1029
Counselling, Relationship education groups
Silver Chain Grief Support Service 9242 0242
Counselling, phone support, education, children’s bereavement programs in the city and country.
Australian Centre for Grief and Bereavement 1800 642 066
Palliative Care Unit Hollywood Hospital 9346 6000
Murdoch Community Hospice 9366 1111
Bethesda Hospital, Palliative Care Unit 9340 6300
Kalamunda Palliative Care Unit 9293 2122
Sandalwood PC Unit, Glengarry Hospital 94470111
Legal & Health Advocacy
Citizens Advice Bureau for free legal advice
Perth 9221 5711
Armadale 9497 5311
Joondalup 9301 2833
Midland 9274 3000
Nutrition Resources
Many people find that food is something they can experiment with and make health promoting choices that increase their sense of wellbeing.
There’s no scientific consensus about the benefits of eating organic produce but it makes intuitive sense to many people to minimise exposure to even the small amounts of pesticide residue in conventional Australian grown produce. There are a number of resources and shops in Perth supplying a range of organic food and products.
For individualised nutrition advice, you may want to see a suitably qualified practitioner. The title ‘nutritionist’ is not a protected title which means anyone can call themselves a nutritionist. Always ask about practitioners qualifications and ensure they have current membership with a relevant professional body. Some of the peak professional bodies are listed here so you can search for a practitioner in your area.
Be mindful that while healthy, nutrient dense food can help you tolerate treatments and keep your energy up, there’s no diet proven to cure cancer, and extreme diets are generally not helpful or sustainable. Aim to maintain your weight and muscle mass during treatment and for prevention, aim to be in the healthy weight range for your height.
Guide to Organics
An up to date website listing organic suppliers in Australia.
Visit website
Dietitians Association of Australia
Dietitians are highly educated, evidence based nutritional advisors, and some have done additional study or expressed a particular interest in cancer. They are particularly helpful if cancer or its treatments are affecting your ability to eat, or to maintain a healthy weight.
Visit website
World Cancer Research Fund
The World Cancer Research Fund provides systematic literature reviews for specific cancer types, and has useful infographics summarising dietary information for the prevention of cancer.
Visit website
Australian Natural Therapists Association is a professional body for naturopaths, nutritionists, herbalists and homoeopaths. These modalities are currently part of a self -regulating industry with no external registration body, however ANTA members are required to undertake continuing professional education and maintain first aid and CPR skills. Ensure that you ask practitioners about their qualifications, philosophy, and experience in order to find the right practitioner for your needs.
Visit website
Australasian College of Nutritional and Environmental Medicine is a post graduate training body that allows GP’s and other health professionals to upskill in nutrition. They have a searchable database of practitioners who have done their training.
Visit website