
Tips to stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic

Tips to stay connected during the COVID-19 pandemic


Along with other organisations, Solaris Cancer Care is staying informed on local and national recommendations for managing our services during this pandemic. During these difficult times, we are doing our best to support you while minimising ways to reduce your risk to exposure.

Social distancing” is the phrase that describe the measures being taken to restrict when and where people can gather in an effort to stop or slow the spread of the coronavirus.

Solaris Cancer Care is all about promoting the benefits of social engagement to our clients but with COVID-19, times have changed and along with the effort to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection comes social isolation. So the question is, how to balance these competing recommendations? During a time of social distancing, here are four ways to stay socially connected.

1. Learn new technology

FaceTime, Zoom, Skype, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and lots more. All sorts of online options exist to talk with family and friends. And you don’t have to be tech-savvy. Doing the basics is easy, and for most people, fun. If setting up an account is daunting, ask a friend or family member for help.

2. Stay active in the community from home

It may sound counterintuitive. How can you remain a part of the community if the goal is to separate from the community? But maybe there’s a remote option. Many organizations — political parties, faith-based groups, non-profits — rely on volunteers to make phone calls. You can do that clearly community-based activity right at home.

3. Stay informed

Stay informed, know what’s going on but don’t get locked into endlessly watching “breaking news”. Typically, not much changes hour to hour but repetitious news from TV all day long can bring needless anxiety. Perhaps watch a news update in the morning, then check in again at night. Don’t stay with it all evening — 30 minutes or an hour is plenty.

4. Reach out to family and friends

Stay in touch with the people close to you, especially those who are social distancing too.

Solaris Cancer Care is implementing a “buddy system” to make sure vulnerable and hard-to-reach people stay connected.

Aside from Solaris, other organisations such as your church, craft or social group may also offer this service.

Perhaps reach out for others who may be in vulnerable situations. Such thoughtfulness is always greatly appreciated.

Social distancing does not mean social isolation, and even a potentially deadly virus should not force us to be alone. Now, more than ever, it is important to find smart ways to stay connected.

Solaris Cancer Care Virtual Events 2020

As the Coronavirus pandemic has recently escalated and new restrictions have been put in place, Solaris Cancer Care has temporarily ceased our face to face events, however we now have a Solaris Cancer Care Virtual Calendar of events open to all.

Counselling appointments will continue via telephone, skype or email an bookings may be made by phoning your usual centre.