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Touch based therapies

Many scientific studies have been conducted on the effects of touch-based techniques for people undergoing cancer treatment, particularly chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery. Research shows that touch-based therapies can reduce pain, fatigue, anxiety, depression and nausea. Other benefits may include improvements in sleep, neuropathy, quality of life, mental clarity and alertness.

Solaris offers these evidence-based Touch Based therapies throughout their five centres:

  • Acupuncture
  • Alexander Technique
  • Acuenergetics
  • Aromatherapy
  • Bowen Technique
  • Craniosacral Therapy
  • Emmett Technique
  • Feldenkrais
  • Kinesiology
  • Massage (Relaxation) | Indian Head Massage | Hand & Foot Massage
  • Reflexology | Facial Reflexology
  • Trichology

Please contact your local centre for their monthly program as not all centres are not able to offer all therapies indicated.

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Touch Based Therapies Offered

Alexander Techniques

Most of us put too much force into our movements, which can jar nerves, muscles, and joints. The Alexander Technique stresses that movement should be economical and requires only the minimum amount of energy and effort. With awareness, it is possible to change postural habits and redistribute muscle effort more evenly and gently throughout the body. The Alexander Technique can benefit you in many areas, including: posture and balance, exercise, back pain management, stress management and may increase confidence and self-esteem.


Feldenkrais is a touch-based therapy where the patient remains fully clothed. It is a person-centred therapy and is adapted to the needs of the individual. Using a series of gentle hand or verbal instructions, patients are made more aware of their movement patterns, allowing everyday movements to be performed with less effort and pain. Feldenkrais aims to reduce pain or limitations in movement, improve physical function and promote general wellbeing. The Feldenkrais method particularly assists participants to inhibit muscle tension or spasm and control pain, enjoy greater ease of movement, an increased sense of vitality and to experience relaxation leaving one feeling more centred and balanced.

Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi is an ancient form of Hawaiian soft hands massage given in fluid, rhythmic motions that combines the forearms and palms to sooth tensions. At times incorporated with traditional massage techniques, the breath is encouraged and incorporated to ensure people feel aligned and calm. The practice is often described as a dance with gentle waves, that serves to promotes a flow of energy.

Relaxation Facial

A Relaxation Facial is a great way to restore your skins health, unwind and can boost confidence during cancer treatment.

The gentle, non invasive, facial includes:

  • Cleansing, eye cream, a calming mask and moisturiser.
  • Nail buff and polish (optional)

Bowen Technique

Bowen Technique is gentle and non-invasive, and many techniques can be performed through clothing. A Bowen session consists of gentle, rolling movements on the body. A pattern of movements and pauses continues throughout the treatment. The rhythm is soothing and patients may doze during the session.

Bowen stimulates the body to restore health and balance to the optimal level possible for each individual. It is a unique form of neuromuscular re-patterning and works primarily through the nervous system on both structural and energetic levels.


Acupuncture is a branch of traditional Chinese medicine using very thin sterile needles inserted through the skin at various points to stimulate ‘energy flow’.

Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy is a non-intrusive, hands-on technique, where therapists gently mobilise and release the craniosacral system. This includes the soft tissue on the head, the spine and the pelvis.

Craniosacral therapy may assist in improving general wellbeing, reduce stress, improve quality of sleep, increase energy and enhance the functioning of all the bodies organs.

This therapy is performed through light clothing and is very gentle.

Indian Head Massage

Working on the upper back, shoulders, upper arms, neck, scalp, ears and face, the areas are massaged using acupressure points.

The massage increases nourishment and oxygen to the scalp and hair follicles which in turn stimulates hair growth. Indian Head Massage stimulates and improves lymphatic drainage and blood flow to the neck thus helping to remove waste products from the body.


Reflexology is a specialised form of massage derived from the Chinese practice of acupressure. The theory of is therapy is that different points on the sole of foot relate to the body’s systems, structures and organs. Specific pressure techniques are applied to stimulate and/or sedate these reflexes to re-balance the body and provide deep relaxation.

Other benefits include an improvement in breathing, blood pressure, hormone levels, temperature and circulation. It can also help improve both sleep and the immune system through detoxifying, revitalising and rebalancing the body.


Trichology addresses hair and scalp health and diagnoses scalp disorders such as Psoriasis and assist with hair loss from chemotherapy. A thorough examination of the hair and scalp is conducted under a microscope to check for inflammation of the hair follicles. Trichologists will then recommend a management of any identified issues.


Kinesiology explores and releases the exact stress patterns, muscle tension, mental and emotional conditioning and chemical imbalances.

Kinesiology is hands on using body work to stimulate muscles, nerve pathways, lymphatic, vascular, acupressure and neurological reflex points to restore normal function.

Essentially, Kinesiology as used in the complementary health or natural medicine field, is defined primarily as the use of muscle testing to identify imbalances in the body's structural, chemical, emotional or other energy, to establish the body's priority healing needs, and to evaluate energy changes brought about by a broad spectrum of both manual and non-manual therapeutic procedures.

Emmett Technique

Emmett Technique is a gentle, effective and non-invasive bodywork therapy developed by Ross Emmett of Queensland, Australia. Therapists use light touch on specific pressure points to release and reset muscles. The technique is used to aid in pain relief, movement restriction, muscle tension and increase feelings of wellbeing. Sessions are usually 30 minutes and an Emmett therapist has the ability to assess and tailor the treatment according to the specific needs and beliefs of each client.


AcuEnergetics uses the same meridians and points as acupuncture and acupressure but is much more than that. Practitioners are trained to feel and work directly with the energy in the acupuncture points and meridians. Physical problems, or pain in the body, reflect an imbalance or blockage in the energy system. It is only when balance has been restored at an energetic level that physical and emotional healing can occur. During treatment, patients remain fully clothed, AcuEnergetics is gentle and non-invasive.

Facial Reflexology

Facial Reflexology is a specialised form of massage that is derived from the Chinese practice of acupressure. The theory underlying this therapy is that different points on the face relate to the body's systems, structures and organs. Specific pressure techniques are applied to stimulate and/or sedate these reflexes to rebalance the body and provide deep relaxation for the patient.


Essential oils, which could include lavender, eucalyptus and sandalwood, are inhaled to stimulate the body’s tissues and support healing and restore balance between body, mind and spirit. Patients report a feeling of reduced anxiety, depression and pain.

Scar Work Therapy

Working with scars is like speaking a different language in the world of connective tissue. Scar tissue is very dense fascia with unique properties. Scar tissue work uses a casual, light touch - a little reminiscent of working with bread dough.

The work is rarely painful - even for very new scars, and the amount of change in one intervention is extensive. The cosmetic effect is delightful and the functional changes can be profound. Natural and surgical scars of any age respond immediately followed by a short period of rapid healing and continued improvement. The improvements are permanent.

Scar tissue quality changes quickly and easily. Lumps, gaps, ridges, holes, bumps, knots, and strings in the tissue rapidly smooth out into a three dimensional fascial web. The work starts with the surface layers and goes into the far reaches of the scar including work with any involved viscera. Scar work often results in large whole body integration shifts along with trauma resolution, and nerve-impaired numbness usually resolves within a session.

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