Video Library

Self-Help for Shoulder Pain

Our natural therapist Sabine Demarte helps you ease the stiffness in your shoulders through this mixed facial and hand reflexology quick guide.

You can contact Sabine at, SabineDeMarteNaturalTherapies (Facebook) or via mobile at 0415 881 361.

We Thank Christine Morrison, our wonderful sound healing therapist, for her track “Forgiveness” from her album, World of Peace.

Sounds of Hope

Step into a world of tranquillity and transformation and delve deep into the realms of your mind at these captivating Hypnotic Sound Meditation sessions curated to uplift, inspire, and heal.

Under the guidance of Registered Hypnotherapist April Kinney and owner of Peter Hess Sound Academy Australia Ute Coleman, you’re in for an extraordinary healing experience. 

100% of proceeds will help provide free services for people with cancer.

Bunbury Turf Club – 27 April, 10am

Solaris Cottesloe – 27 April, 5pm and 28 April, 10am & 2pm