
Thank You Dry July

Thank You Dry July

Thank you Dry July – We love our air conditioning.

We are excited to announce that with support of Dry July, the installation of air conditioning in the hall has been completed. 2015 was Cancer Support WA’s first year as a beneficiary of Dry July, through the generosity of a wonderful group of people, who gave up alcohol for the month of July, we were granted the funds for the installation of air conditioning in our beautiful hall.

One of first classes to enjoy the benefits was a meditation class.

“Thank you Dry July, today was the first day this winter I have been able to relax and focus, without being cold.”

Chandrika Gibson, Client Services Director explains why this grant has made such a difference to the lives of our cancer patients.

“Thank you Dry July for funding the purchase and installation of heating and cooling in the conference hall it is deeply appreciated by staff, facilitators and the clients of Cancer Support WA.

Since the opening of the new hall in 2014, we have had numerous occasions when clients were very uncomfortable due to extremes of heat or cold. While the hall is a beautiful space, people affected by cancer are especially sensitive to temperature fluctuations. Some of the clients have chosen to leave events due to heat aggravating conditions such as lymphoedema, while others have worn beanies, socks and even mittens to protect their vulnerable immune systems and extremities from the cold.

We have had to move activities such as yoga and meditation classes out of the hall and have avoided scheduling activities and events during summer and winter, meaning less on offer to our clients.

Since the installation of the aircon/heating the clients have been ecstatic and full of gratitude. Now they know they can be comfortable and manage their own experience in the hall, they are telling me they will definitely come to more classes and events.

I’m so pleased that there is now no reason for people to stay home in inclement weather. Our clients gain many benefits from the activities held in the hall, such as strength, flexibility and balance, improved cardiovascular health, stress management, and the increased quality of life that comes from sharing wellness activities with people going through similar life circumstances. We are all very appreciative of the improved facility and thank Dry July and their supporters for their generosity.”

Sign up to Dry July

It’s not too late to join this year’s Dry July and fundraise for Cancer Support WA so we can improve the wellbeing of adult cancer patients. With your help the funds raised through Dry July we will upgrade our Cancer Care Packs, a valuable resource and gift to those newly diagnosed, continue the funding of facilitators for our Wellbeing 5 & 10 week courses and improve our meditation and library areas with soft furnishings.

Join up today HTTPS://WWW.DRYJULY.COM/USERS/SIGN_UP or donate to our DRY JULY DONATION PAGE and you may see some familiar faces.