
Home is where the heart is this Easter

Home is where the heart is this Easter

It’s late Thursday, one more sleep until the Easter weekend and I feel that something is missing. It will be so different this year -no Easter egg hunts in the park, large lunches or dinners, beach time, holidays up north, down south, over east, over anywhere! I am not madly packing, writing lists, shopping, getting frustrated …I am eerily calm and ready for the long weekend.

I asked my 8-year-old daughter if she was upset that we weren’t doing anything ‘special’ this Easter and she immediately replied that she was so happy that we are staying at home. She went on to explain that by staying at home we can relax, sleep in, not rush and we can talk to each other, hunt for eggs inside (free from ants and bugs), chill out and not get angry driving around in a hot car! One of my ‘aerial juggling balls’ fell on my head and I had another epiphany. Every holiday break I stress and fuss trying to ensure we are all active, planning trips away, trying to keep up with ‘The Joneses’, dragging us all from pillar to post, thinking I was doing the right thing, the expected thing….but I think I may have been wrong.

So, I pondered, what does Easter mean to me? Apart from the religious significance, I really had to think hard, and this is what I came up with. Easter means being with my family, giving, laughter, love, leaving work (including housework) at the front door and focusing on what’s truly important. I know my faults and a huge one is my inability to be completely present. I am always thinking about the next job to be done, the next thing to tick off my list, but this weekend I am going to commit to being IN THE MOMENT.  Sure, I could just minimise the weekend, just get through being at home, clean out a cupboard or two, but NO! I will grab Easter with both hands and relax.

Constantly being at home is sometimes monotonous, but home is where the heart is. I am going to focus on all the good things in my home, face my fears and dust-off the Monopoly board or worse…Risk (if anyone has played this game they will understand) and make the most of doing nothing this Easter. Life WILL return to ‘normal’ at some stage and these quiet times will be a distant memory. I am looking forward to tomorrow, celebrating at home with my spirited children, crazy dog, fluffy chickens, a tiding of magpies, a riot of kookaburras and quite a few dragonflies. Happy Easter everyone and I hope that you can be present in your moment this weekend.

Written by Allison Hooper (surrounded by Easter eggs)