As we head towards the midway of our May We Survive 2020, I want to thank you for helping us reach $48,790 in 13 days. This is no easy feat during such tumultuous times. But we still have a long way to go in our journey to reach $150,000 by the end of May. Please stand with us, share our campaign, and help our cancer patients receive the support they need.
You will be helping people like Rhianne Miller, our Patient Ambassador.
As Rhianne approached her 32nd birthday, she thought that she would usher in “her year.” She was planning her next big holiday adventure and was nominated as an Ambassador for one of WA’s leading breweries.
The last thing Rhianne expected was to find a lump in her breast. Rhianne was diagnosed with Stage 2, Grade 3 triple positive breast cancer over the next few days. Doctors told Rhianne that she needed an immediate mastectomy, followed by chemotherapy and radiation.
“Telling your family and friends is what gets you; you have to relive the pain in their voice every time,” she said.

Rhianne represents just one of the 13,300 cancer patients diagnosed in WA every year who rely on Solaris Cancer Care to alleviate the burden of cancer. Following surgery, Rhianne reached out to Solaris Cancer Care Sir Charles Gairdner for help as cancer took a toll on her body and mind.
“I used Solaris’ massage, reiki, acupuncture, meditation, and healing touch. It helped me discover that mindset is 90 per cent of the battle and your body will get you through anything.”
Rhianne says the “amazing team of humans” who make up Solaris Cancer Care provide $1.74 million in integrative cancer care services. They stand as a concrete pillar supporting her. “Where I could, I added to their donation box but that is small – how else do you say thank you to strangers for being with you through the most difficult time in your life?”
Rhianne expects five more years of targeted therapy medication. She hopes the 35 per cent increase in Solaris Cancer Care services during COVID-19 will be matched by donors so more patients can access treatments for free.
“Solaris Cancer Care gave me the strength to fight to be the exception, not the statistic. I have regained my voice, my will, and my power.”
As Rhianne continues acupuncture, meditation, and reiki at Solaris Cancer Care, she wants to make sure that Solaris Cancer Care will never have to cut any of its 28,000 treatments for cancer patients.
“They’ve taught me that cancer can bring the greatest joys amongst the heartache it creates.”
Rhianne invites you to lend her a helping hand. By donating $60 or more you can help Solaris Cancer Care provide one cancer patient with free counselling.
Rhianne is doing well but statistics show a steep increase, with an estimated 17,000 West Australians to be diagnosed with cancer in 2025. This means that many more will rely on our services to find strength at such despairing times.
We ask that you help us ensure we are ready for them.
That is why I kindly encourage you to support our May We Survive 2020. You can do more than donate – organise a morning tea, share a newsletter, or write a letter to your local MP.
But we ask for you to act now as we are desperately in need of ongoing funding to continue to provide our services.
In these uncertain times, our team is working relentlessly to ensure support is available for every cancer patient in need. We have expanded our online counselling support, tripled our online wellness videos, and are conducting weekly health and wellness check-ins with all of our clients. Cancer does not stop. And neither do we.
As we move towards the end of May, I ask you to join the Solaris Family as we raise funds for May We Survive. Take courage, stand with us, and together we can conquer these dark times.
Yours Sincerely,

David Edwards
Solaris Cancer Care CEO